Thursday 21 November 1996

Meeting the cousins, part 2

After breakfast that included grapefruit picked from the garden (definitely showing we were in warmer climes than we are used to) we made the long drive further south, past Wellington, to join up with other cousins, past the Pinnacles - eroded towers of loess, protected by capping boulders - at Ngawihi, to Cape Palliser, where we overnighted at a bach (pronounced as in bachelor) in the little settlement of Mangatoetoe, near the Black Rocks seal colony, and the rock-sheet faced hill called Kupe's Sail. From here we had our only glimpse of the South Island.

A clear night for once, and dark, but no chance to go out and star-gaze due to mosquito density. Through the windows that evening, the Southern Cross is visible, head down, just above the ocean to the south.

Here I am loading the car for the next leg of the journey.

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